Once Upon a Time...
A girl was living in New York City and was about to head to the theatre where her show was opening that night when suddenly she received a call. Broadway was being shut down for the foreseeable future. It made her sad to think about how much had changed in such a short time so she thought about what she could do to make childrenโs lives better in all this uncertainty. Thatโs how the idea of Fairytales From Afar was born.
A safe, socially distant, educational and fun experience that children (and their parents) can enjoy from the privacy of their home.
Christina is not just any performer, she also has a background in working with children with special needs having received a double major in Drama and Child Psychology from NYU. She also helped develop theatrical lesson plans while employed at the Langone Medical Center for children with Autism.
Fairytales From Afar has been working with GiGiโs Playhouse, a company that provides free programming for children with Down Syndrome. They have also donated parties to the USO, providing Entertainment to the children of essential workers that have been sent to New York City.
If you are running a non profit or church group we would love to work out a special rate for you.
For her performance credits check out her personal website: ChristinaCarlucci.com